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What You'll Learn!
1. Introduction

2. Goals for this class

3. Your instructor

4. Course materials kickoff

5. What is GASB 62

6. Why use GASB 62?

7. Key takeaways

1. Implementing GASB 62

2. Implementation journal entries

3. Polar vortex

4. Deferred spikes in power costs

1. Decommissioning deferrals

2. Distributed Energy Resource budget impact of deferrals

1. The income statement WITHOUT GASB 62

2. Debt coverage WITHOUT GASB 62

3. The income statement WITH GASB 62

4. Debt coverage WITH GASB 62

5. Key takeaways

6. Thank you!!

7. Course evaluation

8. Instructor contact information

1. GASB 62 rules

2. GASB 62 - The intent standard

3. Common uses for GASB 62

4. Example from investor-owned utility audit report

5. A year in the life of a public power utility

1. Storm damage

2. Early retirement of generating unit

3. Contributions in aid of construction

1. Polishing the budget

2. Rate stabilization concepts

3. Rate stabilization journal entries

4. The Budget Meeting

5. The GASB 62 Song

6. Mark to market adjustments for commodity contracts

Over 3,000+ enrollments from all skill levels

Our students have grown their skills by taking our courses. Here are just a few of their stories.

FERC Uniform System of Accounts

This is a well thought out, easy to understand course for beginners!


Wonderful way to learn about the industry!

This was an incredible overview! I cannot wait to share this with others. I LOVED how you explained things. You have great speaking and explanation skills.


FERC Construction Accounting

The title is a great description of the course materials. Very informative course!


Great course!

I came looking for an introduction to utilities course and I'm glad I took this one. Russ was great and explained everything really well. It was great learning from someone who has actually been in the industry and knows about both the finance and utility sectors. I will be taking more courses!


Great course on learning construction accounting!

I did not have a lot of knowledge about utility construction accounting or standard units, but this course was a good overview of the process and very understandable to a newbie.


The title says it all!

I thought the text was simple and direct to the talking points. I was able to follow clearly and to jot down specific key words that reinforced the text in the presentation.


Very Helpful Course!

I am new to the Coop world and this did help me. Thank you!


Good title!

Good basic understanding of RUS and the chart of accounts. I came from outside the utility world and was quite lost. This class helps to provide a basic foundation.


Great information!

Was a quick, easy and great information!


GASB 62 and ASC 980 top uses

Good course!


Frequently Asked Questions
All video lessons and course downloads are included in the course. Course access is for 1 year after the date of purchase.
Knowledge is power (forgive the electric pun). But this course adds to your knowledge, making your career skills deeper and giving you tools to provide value to your organization.
All of the course materials can be downloaded for each lesson. They are in pdf and Excel formats. You'll generally see them at the beginning of the course in the introduction section, Lesson 1, or scattered throughout the lessons as fitting the topic.
The information is taken from industry best practices and the experience of the instructor in working with power and utilities organizations across the United States and Canada.
The course number of CPE hours are shown in the course description. You'll receive a course completion certificate that also shows the number of CPE hours when you complete 100% of the course and take the course quiz. CPE hours are computed based on a 50 minute presentation hour. Courses are not NASBA certified. Final approval of a course for CPE credits is based on the requirements of each states’ regulatory body. We would recommend checking the state website for your license for specific requirements.
We welcome your questions anytime. Just email [email protected]. Thanks!
Course Accreditation, Requirements, and Refund and Cancellation Policy
Course #: ATG-2

Program Level: Basic

Area of Study: Accounting-(Governmental) - Technical

Delivery: QAS Self Study

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

CPE Credits: 1.00

Last Reviewed: 8.1.24

Access Period: 12 months

Exam Questions: 5

Passing Grade: 70%

Retakes: Unlimited

Refunds and cancellations: Requests for refunds must be made in writing within 30 days for purchasing the course. No refunds will be granted after the qualified assessment has been completed. For any concerns, please contact us at 608 628 4020 or at [email protected].